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Base Mass Products


Product derived from the great domestic bakery tradition. It is a preparation for the production of an excellent Italian meringue, practical, safe and fast. No added aromas and used with water. Uses: production of classic semifreddo, lighten cream, decorations.

Gluten Free
Without added milk derivatives

See also

Gg ovo
Gg Ovo


Modern laws and quality and hygiene consistency needs make this egg yolk and sugar based product a precious ingredient in recipes. The special pasteurisation process with mild technology preserves the natural organoleptic properties of the egg yolk, all high quality, used in the recipe. It is only made with egg yolk and sugar, without aroma or preservatives.

Perfetto -18
Perfetto -18


It is a structuring and stabiliser for whipped cream, that can be cut at even -18 temperature. High quality and high impact semifreddos can be quickly created with Perfect - 18. To be used with or without eggs, it can be used with a whisk or blender. Without added fat. Uses: traditional semifreddo, decorations.

Semifreddo (chilled dessert) base
Semifreddo (Chilled Dessert) Base


An innovative base designed to optimise the yield, structure and hold of semifreddo chilled desserts in counter-top tubs. Using only 150 g per litre of fresh cream, it is possible to create a soft, creamy and delicately-flavoured cream using a planetary mixer. Does not contain ingredients such as fats and emulsifiers and contains only natural flavourings.

White cuzcomousse
White Cuzcomousse


This product combines the best chocolates and best raw materials with the latest technologies to create a pure chocolate mousse. It is characterised by the use of pure sprayed chocolate and contains 30% white chocolate. It is made without added fats and with only natural aromas and used to create uniquely flavoured white chocolate mousse: delicate, sweet but not pasty. Uses: mousses, puddings, display desserts, plated desserts.